welcome to


This is a podcast! A real podcast. We're Henry and Zip and we're here to keep you informed on everything you didn't need to know. We use snippets of the internet to act as springboards for discussions that don't have any practical value, but are pretty entertaining! Please, join us.


Q: Who even are you guys?

A: We're Henry and Zip (yes, it's short for something) and we're siblings. We do this podcast called Generation Goblin that you should listen to.

Q: How old are you?

A: Henry's 16 and Zip is 21. We're both juniors at our respective academic institutions and we're both very sorry about it.

Q: Who runs your social media?

A: I do! I'm Zip.

Q: Who made your theme song?

A: Henry did! I think it's really good. (I'm still Zip.)

Q: Can I send you guys some links?

A: Oh my GOD please do that. Email them to us at [email protected].

Q: Can I send you guys a question?

A: You can! Can't promise we'll be able to answer it, but you should send it anyway. Again, email us!

Q: Can I send you guys ___?

A: As long as it's not illegal, yes.

Q: Where can I listen to the podcast?

Pretty much everywhere, hopefully! Look at our listen page.


apple podcasts

